Reverse Offer Form (Preview)

This online form is for preview purposes only. Buyer’s View members and our agent email marketing list recipients will be notified once the form is integrated with the anonymous buyer preferences profiles found in Sellers Find Buyers.

Legal disclaimer: This form is not meant to be a legal agreement between the parties and is only being used for negotiating purposes and is not binding on either party. Any agreeable terms between the parties must be reduced to a formal written Purchase & Sale Agreement before they are legally binding on either party.

Property Information

Provide the MLS number that is assiociated with the property you are offering to the buyer.

Selling Agent Information

Buyer’s Agent Information

This form is to be used by the Seller’s Agent in conjunction with and approved by the Seller, to make a REVERSE OFFER. An offer is sent to the Buyer’s Agent to create interest with the possibility of viewing the Seller’s property. If the parties can come to an agreeable selling price, the Seller is willing to consider concessions checked below.

Legal disclosure: Buyer’s is only providing this form as a marketing tool and not offering any legal advice. We are not responsible for actions of either party or participants.